I don’t want to embarrass him. After all, he is also a king. Just give him a step, so I smiled and asked, Can you tell me what happened later?


Oh, well, Alexander didn’t want to see them, either. The king didn’t face the horse and said that you couldn’t hold on to the Dongfeng Temple that day and fell down. At that time, our hearts were all thumped. We all died together this time, but it happened that the Copernican Buddhist climbed the magic from the bottom, frozen the river, and then sent us people to the trap. It’s really dangerous to never let the Copernican Buddhist walk in front again after I swear.
Come on, Copernicus mocked his swollen face. I dare not ride a horse again, let alone walk in front of your cavalry.
What about those people in Yukime
Oh, they all escaped. I didn’t expect that they planned it so carefully. Alexander sighed and said that Laidan is really a role to be reckoned with.
That must be that I nodded my head. How can Xiao Leng be lonely again?
Oh, actually, two generals were fascinated by Yukime and them. Copernicus explained that this spell is to hypnotize people’s consciousness and control people’s goals. It is especially effective for those who are not determined. Of course, it can also be regarded as primary magic. If the two generals were not drugged first, they would not have been enchanted.
Not necessarily. I make fun of the beauty and fear, which is far more powerful than the ecstasy of anesthetic.
Brother, you can’t bow your head in shame.
Hum, if you don’t eat a lesson, you won’t know what is the most poisonous woman’s heart. I laughed for a second, and my ears have fallen into Wuzhishan.
By the way, Copernicus said to me seriously, are you of inferno royal blood?
I didn’t. I was stunned. I know you said it was a transformation, but I really don’t know what it is.
Copernicus Caesar and others looked at each other and said carefully, since you don’t want to talk about it, it’s not convenient for us to ask more questions. After all, this is a royal matter in your country, but you may not be able to study in Athens.
What? Although I feel inappropriate in my heart, I don’t feel like reading anything.
Well, Copernicus explained that our college is a god of light, and if you are of inferno origin, you are born with a dark constitution, and even if you study here, you can’t get anything.
All right, all right, I’m a little upset and interrupted him, so that’s it. I’m going back to Fufeng and let the two of them head office here
Oh, of course not. Copernicus readily promised.
Brother, when you go back to your country, you must have known all about your transformation. You are lonely and worried, saying that I am afraid it will be bad for you.
It depends on Caesar’s blockade news. Leng Mengzhe looked at Caesar.
Don’t worry, Caesar is still blue-faced, saying that Alexander ordered him to kill and forgive what happened today.
Well, that’s good. I nodded, and I know that my transformation has really affected me too much. The charm gently supported my husband, and his wife will be by your side no matter what.
Suddenly, there was a warm feeling of love in my chest, and I rubbed my incarnate son’s head and said to them, well, it’s a deal, then. Cold and lonely, you will continue to read my incarnate son here and return to the hurricane the next day.
Chapter DiYiSan I’m not a person
I was riding a horse with my son in my arms, and my hair was blown by the wind, and my face was crisp and comfortable.
My husband’s charming son gently called me in my arms.
What’s the matter? I put my face next to Charm’s cheek and gently rubbed her baby-like tender skin. Charm’s intimate feeling is actually rare.
Charming son suddenly shy smile-I said you don’t laugh at me vulgar.
Hehe, don’t laugh. I’m used to seeing the outward side of the incarnate son, and then I can appreciate the other side of the incarnate son. It’s so charming.
Well, I’m so glad. I hope I can go straight on like this, so that this road will never end. Charm’s face is red with happiness, and there will be no more war in your arms.
Yeah, I rubbed my stubble against the charm’s face. I hope so.
I hate it when the incarnate son doesn’t beat my chest and hurt everyone.
Hey, hey, stop it. Stop it. I’m in a hurry. If I stop it, I’ll fall. Ouch
It’s all you. The charm stepped on my back and complained and climbed back on the horse again.
Please, I patted myself on the dust and fell down because of your noise, okay?
What, you seem to blame me? Charm’s threatening tone and murderous eyes make me shake my head again and again, not my wife. Didn’t you say something to tell me?
What’s the matter? The incarnate son cocked his head and thought for a long time.
Oh, my god, that’s what you said.
Oh, I remember. The charm patted her head. You said it was that.
Yeah, I’m looking forward to it. At the end of the day, what are you honoring me for?
Hey, hey, forgot
Plop sb.’ s boots when he falls off his horse again.
Oh, you don’t react so much, do you? Charming son laughed and made you laugh. You finally broke through the body ban.
What is forbidden? I’m at a loss
Well, in fact, the incarnate son took a secretive look at the left and right novels and came to me.
Oh, I hurried to cooperate with the ear
Actually, I checked. You know, you’re not really a charm. Once you’re finished, you ignore my livid face.
I’m not a person, then what am I?
You’re not an ordinary vampire, you’re a vampire, born of a combination of people.
So what?

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位于湖南长沙的万家丽国际大酒店,以其独特的地理位置和丰富的配套设施,成为了众多游客和商务人士的理想选择。而其中,万家丽酒店休闲中心更是以其全方位的休闲娱乐服务,成为都市繁华中的一片宁静绿洲。 万家丽酒店休闲中心占地广阔,环境优雅,内部设施一应俱全。这里不仅拥有专业的健身设施,还有静谧的棋牌室、舒适的茶艺馆以及设施先进的游泳池,让每一位入住的客人都能在这里找到属于自己的休闲方式。 一、健身中心:健康生活从“心”开始 万家丽酒店休闲中心的健身中心配备了先进的跑步机、动感单车、哑铃、杠铃等设备,专业的健身教练还会根据客人的身体状况制定个性化的健身计划。在这里,无论是晨跑还是晚练,客人都能享受到专业的指导和舒适的环境,让健康生活从“心”开始。 二、棋牌室:悠然自得,品味人生 万家丽酒店休闲中心的棋牌室宽敞明亮,设有各种棋牌桌椅,是亲朋好友聚会、休闲娱乐的好去处。在这里,客人可以放下繁忙的工作,与朋友畅谈人生,品味生活中的点滴美好。 三、茶艺馆:静心养性,品味茶香 万家丽酒店休闲中心的茶艺馆环境幽静,雅致温馨。专业的茶艺师会为客人提供各类茶叶,并现场演示泡茶技艺。在这里,客人可以静心品茗,感受茶文化的韵味,陶冶情操。 四、游泳池:畅游水中,享受清凉 夏日炎炎,万家丽酒店休闲中心的室内游泳池成为了客人的避暑胜地。宽敞的泳池、舒适的池水,让客人在炎炎夏日感受到清凉与惬意。…