Li Chongjiu said with a smile, "Of course it’s important."


Dugu Xiude said bluntly, "So what’s the important thing to forgive my brother for taking the liberty?"
Li Chongjiu’s face sank and Wen Yanbo also went out of the car door and said, "Brother Dugu, do you think we are prisoners for interrogation?"
Dugu Xiude took a look at Li Chongjiu and said, "I dare not. I doubt the identity of this Xu Xiong. I heard that Xu Xiong said that you knew the King of Qi, so you came here on the orders of the King of Qi?"
Li Chongjiu suddenly remembered that Dugu Valve has always been wrong with the king of Qi, and Dugu Valve has always supported Yang Dong, the king of the East. Therefore, Li Chongjiu said that he knew the king of Qi, so he suspected that Li Chongjiu might have come to Zhuojun to do something secretly with the meaning of the king of Qi.
Li Chongjiu secretly cursed this Duguxiude for meddling in his own affairs, but the other side was actually trying to let zuyu take himself.
Li Chongjiu pawned the car and said, "Brother Dugu wants to ask me questions or Mr. Wen, but I met them halfway and let them go."
Dugu Xiude was difficult for him to block Li Chongjiu. Actually, it was his own private mind. He didn’t ask Xue Shixiong, the county commandant, to mobilize the ranks of his own army to openly arrest people. This Wen Yanbo is very famous. If he catches him, I’m afraid he will be in trouble. Li Chongjiu is the master. "All right, let the carriage go."
Li Chongjiu winked at Wenyanbo, who also knew that he was a humble student and nodded to help himself, so he went out of the city gate with the driver.
When Dugu Xiude saw the carriage go as a greeting hand, a dozen soldiers of the Left Royal Guard said to Li Chongjiu, "Brother Li, please!"
Li Chongjiu looked at zuyu and nodded to Duguxiude with a smile. At this moment, he suddenly challenged Duguxiude with a punch and severely hit his face.
Lulong county, Beiping County Governance Office
Hundreds of tinkers in the city are naked and wearing a crotch, and the soldiers are fighting each other for the corner in the field.
"The rabbits have played well with sticks in recent days."
Jingbian Hou Luoyi nodded his head and took a hanging grape skin from a side fruit bowl without peeling off his mouth and biting Hu.
Luo Yi looked at it for a while. At this time, a member of the army said in the preface, "Tell the Duke of Zhuojun that Lu Fu is here?"
Luo Yi squinted and said, "Which Lou family?"
The army generals reckon that "Zhuojun is also worthy of Lu Fu as Fan Yang Lu Jia".
"Bring to the future"
After a while, one person prefaced, "Little Lu Jia is in charge of Lu Sheng, see you."
Luo Yi glanced at him and said, "Did Lu Jia find me?"
Lu Sheng saw that Luo Yi’s skirts were all red and yellow grape juice, and grape seed skins were all over his feet. No wonder the second master said that this person’s vulgarity was really good.
Lu Sheng said, "When I return to Jun Hou, my master wants to invite Jing Bian Hou to go to Zhuo County …"
"Well played!"
Lu Sheng was suddenly startled by Luo Yi’s exclamations. Originally, Luo Yi jumped up for a spin and went back to the chair and said, "Yang Laosan played well with this stick."
Luo Yi nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, it seems that he remembered Lu Shenglai and asked, "What did you just say?"
Lu Sheng silently held back her heart, and she was also a few stewards of Lu Fu. Even officials of June 7th in Jixian County would like to flatter this Luo Yi who dared to face his ceremony.
Lu Shengdang repeated what he had just said again. Luo Yi said grumpily, "Is it a personal door for Lu Gong to invite me to Zhuojun or should I lead troops?"
Lu Sheng shook his sleeve robe and said seriously, "Duke Lu said that the duke can of course go with his soldiers, and the more the better!"
Luo Yi smell speech eyes flashing, put his legs on a big makin knife and sat and said, "What did you say about Q and qīnghu?"
Lu Sheng zuyu glanced at Luo Yi and said, "It’s all about confidants here, but it’s ok!"
Lu Shengdang said everything and listed the conditions. Luo Yiliu pondered and said with a smile, "It turned out that Xue Shixiong was going to leave Lu Gong. Is this to invite me to lead troops into Zhuojun to preside over the overall situation?"
"Anyway, I don’t have the ambition to dominate the hegemony. Lu Gong can do whatever he wants. I’m a clown. I don’t have any idea, but before I say it, I want you to support Lu Long. This bird does not defecate. I can’t stay early. Go to Zhuojun. Your Lu family has to take care of the rice."
"Of course, of course." Lu Sheng was overjoyed that Luo Yi was so accommodating.
After Lu Sheng left, several close generals gathered to say, "Jun Hou, this is not possible. The Lujia family is uneasy and kind. They want our brothers to fight and work for them, but a county has money and food to go and officials to hold their hands."
Luo Yi sneer at a word "do you think I’m stupid? What money, food and officials? Don’t you and I know the Lujia abacus? If you want me to enter Zhuojun, you can ask my brothers to pull 20,000 soldiers from Zhuojun. If you have the soldiers and horses, what kind of money and food do you want? Can we say if the Lu family dares not give it? "
The generals smell speech suddenly realize to be continued …
Chapter two hundred and sixty-one Hiding
Li Chongjiuyi punched Duguxiude’s bridge of the nose, and when he heard the crack of his nose clearly, he could hear the crack of his nose. Duguxiude sat heavily beside the road, and one or two blood popped up in his nose. The whole person fainted as soon as he planted it.
This real unprepared not only Dugu Xiude, but also several ranks didn’t react. Li Chongjiu took a look at zuyu and took the opportunity to draw a knife from Dugu Xiude’s waist to backhand. He sneaked a long shot behind him and flew to see Li Chongjiu resisting zuyu. A dozen ranks were all swarming.
Li Chongjiu naturally knows that his fists are defeated by four hands. When he dare not fight, he dances out a knife and forces the ranks to fight our way out and run along the street.
Zuyu is a khaki rammed earth workshop, and the gate of the workshop is guarded by ranks. Li Chongjiu is holding a knife and running to zuyu’s later imperial city street while the ranks are chasing behind him.
At this time, the gate has been ringing for ten minutes. Li Chongjiu knows that the gate is closed, and the horseshoe in the street ahead is ticking. When Li Chongjiu hears the horseshoe, he knows that this is a patrol city riding guard. If a wall in front of the patrol city riding street is blocked, it is impossible to escape.
"Live for me!"
After the brain, more than a dozen Duguxiude ranks were yelling, and the distance was less than 20 steps.
When Lee Chong-jiu simply turned his heart to one side and saw that the rammed earth wall was somewhat damaged, he simply dug the rammed earth wall outside the knife. I don’t know if it was this Dugu Xiude’s sabre that cut iron like mud or the earth wall that had been soft for years. This hard rammed earth wall was dug by Lee Chong-jiu, and Li Chong-jiu struggled to stab it again and simply inserted the knife into the wall for half an inch.
After Li Chongjiu stepped back a few steps to run up from the handle, the whole person climbed more than ten feet like a big bird, and the pursuers patrolled the city behind the rammed earth wall. They were shocked to see this scene. They didn’t believe that anyone could jump so high-energy and watched Li Chongjiu climb over the wall.
Li Chongjiu turned into the wall of the square and was slightly relieved when he heard someone shouting outside the wall, why did the thief turn over such a high wall?
Ho Lao Dao, what the hell are you yelling about? Let’s go in through the Fangmen and search for people from door to door.
Li Chongjiu shook his head. He escaped the pursuer for a while, but it doesn’t mean that he has settled down here. Every square is a square cage, and his own body can’t escape. Although Li Chongjiu is now taken by Duguxiude, if he is killed by Duguvalve when he is a king of Qi, this is called a great injustice.

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长沙河畔,绿树成荫,花香鸟语。沿着河岸漫步,仿佛置身于一个天然的氧吧。河畔的茶馆,成为了人们品茗、休闲的好去处。在这里,你可以品味到浏阳水的美,也可以感受到长沙人的热情。 浏阳水,源于湖南浏阳,是湘江的一级支流。这里的水质清澈见底,甘甜可口。相传,古代有一位名叫张良的谋士,曾在浏阳水畔修炼武功,使得这里的水更加神奇。如今,浏阳水成为了长沙人的骄傲,也是游客们心驰神往的宝地。 在长沙河畔的茶馆,你可以看到许多市民在此品茗。他们或独坐一桌,细细品味茶的清香;或与朋友相约,畅谈人生百态。茶馆里,各种茶具琳琅满目,从古董级的紫砂壶到现代的瓷杯,应有尽有。而泡茶的水,自然离不开浏阳水。 泡一壶好茶,离不开优质的水源。浏阳水因其纯净、甘甜而闻名。用它泡茶,茶的香气更加浓郁,滋味更加醇厚。长沙人深知这一点,因此,他们不惜重金,从浏阳运来优质的水源,只为在家中也能享受到这美妙的茶香。 长沙河畔的茶馆,不仅是品茗的好地方,还是人们交流的平台。在这里,你可以听到来自五湖四海的游客讲述他们的故事,也可以结识到志同道合的朋友。每当夜幕降临,华灯初上,长沙河畔的茶馆更是热闹非凡。人们在这里畅谈人生,欢声笑语,好不热闹。 当然,长沙河畔的茶馆也并非只有浏阳水。这里的茶馆还提供各种茶叶,如龙井、碧螺春、铁观音等。这些茶叶来自全国各地,品种繁多,满足不同人群的需求。在长沙河畔品茗,不仅可以品尝到正宗的浏阳水,还可以品味到各地的茶文化。 总之,长沙河畔的茶馆,是一个让人流连忘返的地方。在这里,你可以放下生活的疲惫,静心品味茶的清香;也可以结交朋友,畅谈人生。而这一切,都离不开浏阳水的滋养。让我们相约长沙河畔,共同品味这美妙的茶香吧!


驱车沿着京港澳高速向北行驶,不久便可见到X021省道,沿着这条路往北走85.5公里,便来到了长沙三汊矶。这里远离城市的喧嚣,四周被青山绿水环绕,宛如人间仙境。 步入三汊矶,首先映入眼帘的是那一片片金黄的油菜花海。春风拂过,花香四溢,让人仿佛置身于童话世界。沿着田间小路前行,你会看到桃花、梨花、山茶花争相开放,为这个春天增添了一抹亮丽的色彩。 穿过花海,便来到了三汊矶的茶园。这里有着2000多亩的核心茶园,种植着黄金茶、白毫早、湘波绿2号等不同品种的茶树。茶树被栽种在一梯梯肥沃的土地上,远远望去,一片绿意盎然,仿佛是一片绿色的海洋。 漫步在茶园中,可以听到茶农们采茶的欢声笑语。她们手提竹篮,在茶树间穿梭,将一片片嫩绿的茶叶收入篮中。这里的茶叶品质优良,每年都吸引着众多茶友前来品鉴。 来到茶园,自然少不了品茗的环节。在茶农的指导下,我们品尝了这里的春茶。茶叶入口,满口清香,仿佛春天的气息就在舌尖上蔓延开来。茶香与花香交织,让人陶醉在这美好的时光里。 品茗之余,还可以在三汊矶的千年古寺中寻找心灵的宁静。古寺古朴典雅,香火旺盛,是信众们朝拜的圣地。在这里,你可以放下世俗的烦恼,感受心灵的洗礼。 夜幕降临,三汊矶的夜景同样迷人。华灯初上,茶园、花海、古寺都被灯光映衬得格外美丽。漫步在小镇的街头,品尝着当地的特色美食,感受着这里的宁静与美好。 长沙三汊矶,一个远离喧嚣的品茗好去处。在这里,你可以尽享大自然的恩赐,感受春天的气息,品味生活的美好。不妨在这个春天,与好友相约三汊矶,一起感受这片美丽的土地带来的无尽魅力。