Su Yu drinks cold.


Wang Chuan withered hurriedly a surprised a full face of tears knelt before Su Yu crazy kowtow "emperor beg you! Save my brother! My father died in northern Xinjiang seventeen years ago and my mother threw herself into the river. I have such a relative! "
"If I can, I will save him at all costs."
Su Yu’s voice sank to the extreme.
Lengyue is also very sad. He took away Wang Chuan’s withered Su Yu. Before Wang Chuan’s intention, he carefully inquired about Wang Chuanyi’s body, combed his breath, isolated himself from the cross, and explored his heartbeat and breathing.
Su Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and Wang Chuanyi was still alive!
There is a faint breath of life!
It was Su Yu who once gave him turtle breathing. Although he was in suspended animation, he was seriously injured and almost died frequently, but he did have a chance.
"What Dan medicine can save him?"
Su Yuxin asked
[It is only effective if the host has a "great self-elixir", but there is a 3% chance to save him. If the price is too low, it may not be able to save him. It is recommended to give up]
Give a mechanical reply.
Wang Chuan’s body has too much abyss breath. To save him, it is necessary to remove these pure and deep abyss breath.
"Give me change! Ten! "
Su Yu took a deep breath and said without hesitation
One big self-elixir is 300,000 points of popular energy, and ten pieces are 3 million!
To save this genius, Su Yu will not give up even if there is a little hope.
Su Yu is the Terran Emperor. He won’t give up a human!
Just like when he was in Beishan County, Su Yu would rather bear the risk of being defeated than let the army soldiers slaughter the people!
According to words and deeds, Su Yu is lucky or Wang Chuanyi is lucky.
Wang Chuanyi didn’t die, but he was alive and rising. He began to get better, woke up and opened his eyes.
Su Yu was very pleased, sad and self-reproached. Ten top tianjiao Wang Chuanyi, if Su Yu had not agreed to let them write to Tiancheng, maybe none of them would have died. They all still let the tianjiao of all ethnic groups in the whole East China look up to Terran pride!
Wang Chuan wept for joy. If Lengyue hadn’t stopped him, he would have rushed.
Su Yu carefully held Wang Chuanyi from the cross and moved gently, like a big brother facing his young brother, full of elder brother’s thick gentleness.
Wang Chuanyi’s eyes focused on him and he saw a handsome and dignified face in front of him, which was the man he had sworn to protect his life.
Wang Chuanyi mercilessly pushing the emperor all surprised eyes he hoarse voice shouted "emperor go! There’s danger here! ! !”
456. Chapter 456 Surprised in the devil.
Even Wang Chuanyi, who was seriously injured and woke up, did not forget that he had sworn an oath to Yan Huanglongqi at the martial arts college.
"Always loyal to the Chinese empire! Always be loyal to the emperor! Always be loyal to the Terran! Wuwei country! Open the people’s wisdom! Be loyal! Filial piety! "
The vows of the past still reverberate in my ears. Wang Chuanyi Ningyuan’s own death will not put the emperor in danger!
"Calm down!"
Su Yu low drink a big hand clutching Wang Chuanyi shoulder to his low drink "has been Ann! Ann has me! Don’t be afraid! There is no danger! "
Su Yu is powerful. He was very careful before he came. He scanned a small area. There are no senior demons around here, so there is no danger.
"Tell me what you will be here! Who is hurting you! "
Su Yu deep eyes staring at Wang Chuanyi.
Wang Chuanyi gradually calmed down. He turned his head and saw that the corpse of his companion was laid flat by Lengyue and others around him. Wang Chuanyi couldn’t help his eyes moist.
"The emperor! It’s the holy mountain! It’s a holy mountain! "
Wang Chuanyi growl hoarseness is full of hatred and unwillingness. "Emperor, we went to the holy mountain for the first time because Xu talked back to the saints and they suppressed them on the spot! Everyone is being watched! "
"The secret method given by the Royal Guards has also failed. We can’t connect with the outside world. They took us to the dungeon and said that we are garbage natives! Treat us as pigs and dogs! "
"Seven days ago, we were brought here. The holy mountain man sold us to a black man. He is mysterious. There are many grotesque Warcraft at his hands. It is evil and powerful! We can’t beat. "
"In the end, he locked us here and said that he wanted us to bleed slowly and instill life force into the circle. He wanted us to die this circle!"
"And before I fell into a coma, I vaguely heard that the black man once said that this magic circle was very important. It was a stronghold and they sent a group of powerful hands to guard it here."
Wang Chuan meaning road is clear, simple and quick to tell Su Yu what they have encountered these days.
Lengyue and Wang Chuan withered and others looked livid. Wang Chuan withered and pinched his fist and growled, "Holy mountain people are really a group of damn bastards! It should be killed! "
Su Yu, on the other hand, lowered his head. He carefully analyzed Wang Chuan’s intention to give some information.
Holy mountain? Black man? Why is there another man in black?
Wang Chuanyi’s mouth is strange and evil. Warcraft should be the devil here. Can this mysterious black man control the devil? Is it a demon Lord at this level?
What is this mysterious black man trying to imprison Wang Chuan Ku and others? What’s in this circle?

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