The ground suddenly flooded with many springs, which condensed into thousands of strange fish with sharp teeth. The head of the strange fish bit Meng Fei, and the strange fish sprayed water arrows in its mouth. It was a big water polo that opened its mouth to hit Meng Fei and then suddenly exploded.


Here we go again. This is the essence of sunflower water condensed into fish essence. Kill it, Jinlong laments one.
Meng Fei is silent and doesn’t talk, as if to save energy. All kinds of magical powers of the watery branches are put to use again, and the magic sword is hacked everywhere. This time, this group of strange fish condensed from sunflower water essence is good for dealing with some. The only powerful thing is that they spit mines in their mouths.
Bang bang bang bang.
Strange fish were chopped, caught and exploded by the giant sword, and the most pure water vapor was integrated into the watery branches.
And those mines were resisted by the fire cover of hexagrams.
I didn’t suppress the fierce baby that the seven nights demon king won the battle sky. It’s really hard for me to enter these five sacred places. I don’t know how many sunflower water essences Meng Fei killed and condensed into strange fish, but the spring water gushed from the ground is endless.
The magic sword and the spirit of the vault looked tired, and the light of the furnace was dim.
Seeing this situation, he repeatedly sprayed the true qi and poured it into the battle sky, the magic sword and the battle sky, and also into the divination furnace.
Although these two immortals are powerful, they can’t be kept strong forever. When they are attacked violently for too long, they will be tired and then lose their efficacy, and they will be able to recover after a rest.
Of course, if people can infuse them with true qi, they will be fierce at once.
In the field, the world tree is huge, and its vitality is poured into the dantian of Meng Fei, and it turns into true qi after a little rolling.
Then the true qi will destroy the avatar or pour it into two fairy bodies to keep their greatest power forever.
After fighting for nearly half a day, Meng Fei didn’t stop for a while
It’s really a big fight. After fighting for so long, it’s incredibly still able to keep up the skill. Even giving him a magic spar is not enough to consume. In the list of gods, the gods are shocked by Meng Fei’s skill.
Now even an epic master has exhausted his skills and is dead tired.
Finally, a huge water whale was chopped by the magic knife, and the essence of sunflower water was absorbed into the watery branch of Meng Fei, and this illusory spiritual branch changed a little bit.
Hua Hua
The branches of the world’s trees are swaying like waterfalls falling from mountains, and it seems that rivers are surging and their strength is soaring.
He suspects that if this branch is removed, it will soon condense and form a complete watery branch.
But I’m afraid it’s too much for me to kill this group of elite strange fish, Meng Fei, who suddenly sprayed sunflower water from the ground. If the world tree didn’t come with a steady stream of energy, even if he was pregnant with more treasures, he would have to run out of oil and be besieged by thousands of monsters and die.
This place is not only immortal, but also epic. It is also alive and exhausted, and immortal. Because the fairy house is forbidden, it is impossible to come here. As a result, this five-element holy land is absolutely a death for people. If you want to come in, you will never want to live again.
Jinlong was also dazzled by these monsters for a while.
Our two immortals are still full of vitality, and they are all so tired. Everyone in this place will die except the immortal level.
There are some lingering fears in the sky. Although it is a fairy device, it has fallen into an exhaustive siege. Although the body will not be destroyed, the spirit of the device will be silent and fall into a deep sleep.
Meng Fei meditated for a while while restoring his energy. Although his skill is endless, his body is flesh and blood after all, and now he is sore all over. He hurriedly transports the magical powers of the Five Elements Gate to adjust the spiritual power of the practice, nourish the body, and massage the muscles and muscles to relieve fatigue.
The magical powers of the Five Elements Gate are all-encompassing, and many of them are well managed when fighting for life and death.
It is really shocking to hear that the old man of Five Elements Buddha did not get tired of fighting for months in a row when he was fighting for monty outside the territory.
The monster came again. The three-legged sword screamed and woke Meng Fei up. However, in the distance, the horizon screamed one after another. There were several figures. These figures were all ordinary people, six or seven times taller and giant.
Meng Fei saw the wooden lines on the bodies of these giants as soon as he saw them clearly.
Is actually a wooden giant.
Ten million is a huge army.
Swish swish swish.
These wooden giants jumped violently and jumped very well, gliding to the ground like a big bird, violently shaking their hands, wooden weapons, wooden axes, wooden guns, wooden knives, Mu Cha, etc. A pair of eyes were green and bright, fierce and violent, and mosquitoes and flies in Meng Fei swooped down at the sight of blood.
A tall wooden giant was the first to kill his hand. A wooden gun was shot and there were phantoms everywhere. A similar wooden qi and killing gas enveloped Meng Fei in it.
This time, it’s a pity that my wooden branch has become a real wooden branch in dzogchen, but it’s good to kill these wooden giants and draw more vitality, but they can give birth to the five elements.
Seeing these wooden giants, Meng Fei will certainly not let go of the five elements. The more vitality, the better. There are also many places behind the five elements.
Magic knife hand
As soon as I cut away the layers of guns and shadows, I cut them to the head of the wooden giant and turned them into dust. A green wood vitality was absorbed by the wooden branches.
Bang bang bang.
In the magic sword and the sky, hundreds of wooden giants were killed immediately, and all of them became pure wood vitality.

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清晨的长沙,阳光透过薄雾洒在街头巷尾,唤醒了沉睡的街头小店。在这其中,最引人注目的是那些散发着淡淡茶香的店铺。它们往往位于街角,门口挂着“长沙晨饮茶粉”的招牌,吸引着行人驻足。 长沙晨饮茶粉,顾名思义,是一种以茶叶为原料,经过特殊工艺制成的粉末。它不同于传统茶叶,可以直接冲泡,更适合忙碌的都市人快速饮用。在长沙,这种茶粉已经成为许多人早晨的第一杯饮品。 制作长沙晨饮茶粉的过程相当讲究。首先,精选上等茶叶,如碧螺春、龙井等,这些茶叶品质优良,香气浓郁。然后,将茶叶研磨成细腻的粉末,这个过程要求研磨精细,以确保茶粉的品质。最后,加入适量的糖和香料,经过精心调配,使得茶粉既保留了茶叶的原香,又增添了独特的风味。 长沙晨饮茶粉的独特之处在于其冲泡方式。只需将适量的茶粉倒入杯中,加入沸水,稍作搅拌,即可迅速溶解。整个过程简单快捷,非常适合早晨赶时间的上班族。一杯热气腾腾的茶粉,不仅能提神醒脑,还能温暖身心,为一天的工作生活注入活力。 在长沙,喝晨饮茶粉已成为一种生活习俗。每天清晨,人们从睡梦中醒来,第一件事就是泡上一杯茶粉。街头的茶馆、便利店,甚至是办公室的茶水间,都能看到茶粉的身影。它不仅是一种饮品,更是一种生活的仪式感。 此外,长沙晨饮茶粉还具有一定的药用价值。茶叶本身就具有清热解毒、提神醒脑的功效,而茶粉则更加便于人体吸收。在长沙,许多人都会根据自己的体质和需求,选择适合自己的茶粉。比如,喜欢养生的市民会选择加入枸杞、红枣等食材的茶粉,而追求健康减肥的人则会选择绿茶粉。 随着生活节奏的加快,长沙晨饮茶粉这种传统的饮品越来越受到年轻人的喜爱。它不仅满足了现代人对便捷生活的追求,更承载着长沙人对传统文化的传承。每一杯长沙晨饮茶粉,都仿佛在诉说着这座城市的故事,让人在忙碌的生活中找到一丝宁静与舒适。 总之,长沙晨饮茶粉是一种独特的地域文化符号,它以独特的风味和便捷的特点,成为了长沙人生活中不可或缺的一部分。在未来的日子里,相信这种传统的饮品将继续传承下去,成为长沙文化的一道亮丽风景线。


清晨,当第一缕阳光透过窗帘洒在长沙人的脸上,唤醒了沉睡的身体,他们便会来到茶馆,点上一壶香浓的毛尖。湖南毛尖,作为长沙的特产,以其独特的香气和味道,深受当地人喜爱。泡茶时,他们将茶叶放入茶壶,注入沸水,瞬间茶叶在水中翻滚,散发出阵阵清香。品茗之际,长沙人总是细细品味,感受茶叶在口中化开的每一丝甘甜,仿佛在与自然对话。 午后,长沙人又聚集在茶馆,品茗聊天,这是他们休闲时光的重要组成部分。茶馆里,人们或坐或站,手中捧着一杯热气腾腾的茶,脸上洋溢着满足的笑容。这里的茶馆,不同于其他城市的喧嚣,更多的是一种宁静与安逸。茶客们三两成群,或谈论时事,或回忆往事,或探讨人生,而这一切都离不开茶水的陪伴。 长沙人对茶水的喜爱,不仅仅体现在日常生活的点滴之中,更体现在他们对茶文化的传承与发扬。在长沙,有许多传统的茶馆,如“老长沙茶馆”、“茶香居”等,这些茶馆传承着古老的茶艺,成为了长沙文化的一部分。在这里,人们可以了解到茶的起源、制作工艺以及品茗技巧,感受到茶文化的博大精深。 长沙人对茶水的情有独钟,还体现在他们对茶艺的追求。在长沙,有许多茶艺师,他们精通茶艺,致力于将茶文化的精髓传播给更多的人。在茶艺师的指导下,茶客们学会了如何泡制一杯好茶,如何品鉴茶的香气、味道和口感。茶艺师们希望通过自己的努力,让更多的人了解茶文化,传承茶道。 茶,作为长沙人的精神食粮,已经成为他们生活中不可或缺的一部分。在这里,茶不仅仅是一种饮品,更是一种生活的态度,一种文化的象征。长沙人对茶水的热爱,源于对生活的热爱,对传统文化的传承。在未来的日子里,相信长沙人将继续把这份对茶水的情有独钟,传承下去,让茶文化在长沙这片热土上生根发芽,绽放出更加灿烂的光彩。