Jun Ruiqing’s eyes flashed slowly away from the Mohist school’s old house.


Exhibition and exhibition will come to my old house in black.
"Tsukiyomi ikuto, I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t know how to comfort you. Master Mo certainly won’t want to see you too sad."
Exhibition and patted Mo Jun’s shoulder at night. His nephew looked at the golden spoon and luxurious food since childhood, but his life was eventful.
Parents and brothers have also suffered setbacks in falling in love.
Now finally a little calmer, but this happened again.
Exhibition and very distressed Mo Jun patted him again at night to give Mo Master incense in the past.
Exhibition will forgive you for watching Mo Jun’s sad face at night behind Exhibition and I have an impulse to smooth it out.
But for a second, she saw Gu Yi go to Mojun Night and took a glass of water for him to drink.
Mo Jun didn’t seem to want to drink at night, but patiently advised him to drink until his chapped lips were slightly moistened.
They held hands tightly as if they were supporting each other.
It is so natural and smooth to face the condolences to the guests and thank them side by side.
Exhibition and turned along the exhibition will look at the past can’t help but whisper in her ear.
"When the funeral is highly valued, it can be said that she is recognized by Tsukiyomi ikuto."
"Mohist men will never change once they have identified who they are. Excuse me, can you see clearly now?"
See clearly.
She can see clearly.
That’s how she looks for it, and she won’t stay in her eyes.
It turned out that Mo Jun’s eyes would be so gentle at night, but they were left to a woman.
Show forgive heart envy gradually turned into envy her, even if jealousy can change anything?
So does she want to make herself an abomination?
Show forgive slowly close your eyes.
Well, she admitted that she lost.
Shen Han came home and Shen Xintong saw that he was startled and quickly pulled people aside.
"Brother, don’t you?"
Shen Han touched the pain, hurt the corners of his mouth and hurt him. He must be very funny now.
Shen Xintong eyes are red with love "what are you going to? Why do you want to go when they wronged you like that? "
With a stamp, Shen Xintong turned to get a medicine cabinet for Shen Han.
Wipe the medicine Shen Han eyebrows slightly wrinkled "light"
"So what are you going to? It’s too much for their population to plant us on the ground! "
"Anyway, Master Mo is an elder, and he once took care of me and gave him a ride."
Shen Xintong knows that Shen Han is unreasonable, but she just can’t swallow this tone!
Why should they be wronged? They will come with swords and guns to deal with Mohism, but they will not play tricks.
And it won’t hurt people’s lives. Those people are cruel!
"By the way, my brother and sister Sue will come to our house later, like you."
"Don’t tell her"
"Don’t tell me anything?"
Qian Su voice let shenyang zheng brother and sister looked up and saw the figure at the door.
"I heard about Mohism, so I came directly. The housekeeper said you were here."
Su Qian language is still capable and agile appearance eyes fell on Shen Han face immediately is wrinkly to knit the brows wrinkle.
"Fight with Mohist?"
Shen Xintong got up and smiled at the medicine cabinet. "Brother, talk about me and pour tea for Sister Su."
And she will soon give place to Shen Han and Su Qianyu.
"I’ll come to you when I’m better."
"I can assure you that it was a coincidence."
Su Qianyu thinks of the man who accidentally bumped into Shen Han, and then look at his physical injury. This should not be Shen Han’s responsibility.
"No, Mohist Liang and I have already married, and it’s not bad."
Shen Hanyun’s calm attitude made Su Qian’s heart faint with doubts, as if he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t say it.
"Dad is worried about you, too. Go and see him one day."
Section 455
Su Qianyu walked beside Shen Han and stretched out his hand to hold Shen Han’s hand. "Mohism will definitely not let it go if you need Su Jiake to be your backing at any time."
Shen Han hesitated to hold Su Qian’s hand.
"I don’t need it yet. I want to finish it myself."
Su Qianyu couldn’t help laughing as if she guessed that Shen Han would say so. "You are the most charming at this time."
It was drizzling on the day Master Mo’s funeral.
Mo Jun held it tightly from beginning to end.
Bury the ashes in the grave. Mo Jun spent a long night in front of Master Mo’s grave.
The drizzle wet his shoulders, but he was oblivious to the sadness of his back, so that Gu wanted to hug him tightly.
After coming back from the cemetery, Mo Jun and Mo Anyan both went back to my old house.
"You have something to say. I’ll go outside first."
Gu Yi saw their uncle’s serious expression and just wanted to leave Mojun night, but she held her hand and clenched her fingers.
"You’re not going anywhere by my side."

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随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。在长沙这座繁华的城市中,春和景明酒店以其独特的地理位置和优质的服务,成为商务旅客和休闲游客的首选之地。近日,我有幸体验了春和景明酒店的桑拿服务,一场身心愉悦的养生之旅就此展开。 踏入春和景明酒店,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的公共区域。酒店的设计风格简约而大气,每一处细节都透露出浓厚的文化底蕴。步入桑拿房,一股热气扑面而来,让人瞬间感受到放松的氛围。 春和景明酒店的桑拿房设施齐全,分为男女分开的独立区域,确保了隐私和舒适。桑拿房内部装修考究,墙面采用天然石材,地面铺设防滑瓷砖,整体给人一种高贵典雅的感觉。房间内还配备了必要的设施,如毛巾、浴巾、更衣室和休息区,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能感受到家的温馨。 桑拿体验分为干蒸和湿蒸两种。干蒸房的温度较高,湿度较低,有助于扩张毛孔,促进血液循环。在干蒸房里,我感受到一股股热气从四面八方涌来,身体仿佛在蒸桑拿的熏陶下,逐渐放松。大约20分钟后,我进入湿蒸房。湿蒸房的温度相对较低,湿度较高,这种环境下,人体的新陈代谢加快,有助于排出体内毒素。 在桑拿过程中,酒店还提供了专业的桑拿师进行指导。他们热情周到,不仅会根据顾客的身体状况推荐合适的桑拿时间,还会在桑拿结束后进行适当的按摩,帮助顾客缓解疲劳,放松身心。 体验结束后,我在酒店的休息区稍作休息。这里的茶水、水果和点心一应俱全,让人在享受桑拿的同时,也能品尝到美食。休息区还配备了舒适的沙发和电视,顾客可以在放松身心的同时,欣赏精彩的节目。 值得一提的是,春和景明酒店的桑拿服务还注重环保。桑拿房采用先进的节能设备,确保了能源的高效利用。此外,酒店还倡导绿色消费,鼓励顾客使用环保用品,共同保护地球家园。 总的来说,长沙春和景明酒店的桑拿体验是一次难忘的养生之旅。在这里,我不仅感受到了专业的服务,还体验到了身心愉悦的感觉。如果您来长沙,不妨来春和景明酒店感受一下这份独特的桑拿文化,让身心在繁忙的生活中得到短暂的休憩。